Well folks as the good old Millenium creeps ever nearer get ready for Brussels to stuff it to us yet again . It`s only some eleven months down the road to the dreaded day …  No More FOUR STAR PETROL. Well at least in reality that's the case as that ruddy collection of expensive MP`s called the European Parliament have decreed that  they will ratify the Leaded Fuel  Ban . This means that in terms of Forecourt Four Star petrol …….
It appears that their intention is to restrict the sale of four star to one half of one percent of total fuel sales , this effectively means sales will be restricted to one gallon of four star to every two hundred gallons of unleaded , and even then only at ……...SPECIAL OUTLETS .
Read into that what you will but to me that says were going to make it bloody impossible for you to acquire four star . At present the Leaded/Unleaded sales ratio is of the order of three gallons of Unleaded to one gallon of Leaded. The died in the wool  classic and vintage car enthusiasts will  really be up the creek without a paddle , as their protestations seem to have  finally fallen on deaf ears. As sure as "apples is apples " you can bet your last quid that the head machining companies will want to make a killing and hoist their prices skyward .

Air has weight. Imagine a one square inch column of air that reaches to the top of our atmosphere for its height. That column weighs 14.7 pounds ….
or ( 1.0 atmosphere ) at sea level.The reason you don't notice the weight is that air exerts pressure equally on everything we deal with, so it cancels out any evidence of its own weight.
One time the weight of air is significant is when there's a vacuum (less pressure), such as found in an engine's intake manifold.If we think in terms of air having weight, then we can throw out the idea that a vacuum draws in air. Instead, a vacuum is just the absence of air pressure. A vacuum isn't sucking anything; the air is pushing in on it because of its weight.As a piston travels down a cylinder, increasing the volume of the cylinder, the weight of the outside air causes the cylinder to be filled with more air by displacing this volume.
The same action happens when we breathe: Our diaphragm muscle enlarges the cavity around our lungs, and air pressure pushes fresh air into the lungs. Engines and humans both breathe because air has weight.

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